The board of stewards at Churchill Downs has ruled that jockeyscannot wear an emblem honoring disabled riders during Saturday'sBreeders' Cup championship races here.
After a meeting with Jockeys' Guild representatives andBreeders' Cup officials, the stewards determined that the stickerswould violate a Kentucky racing regulation governing jockeys'attire, although the rule doesn't address the wearing of logos. Thestewards said offenders 'may be subject to disciplinary action.'
Jockeys' Guild national manager John Giovanni disagreed withthe stewards' interpretation, calling it 'a stretch of the rule,'but said he'd advise riders at Churchill Downs to heed the stewards'edict.
Jockeys here had planned to affix a yellow-and-green emblemwith the number 47 to the top of a boot, signifying the number ofGuild members disabled by on-track accidents. The Guild wantsjockeys across the country to wear the sticker Saturday, a displaydeemed acceptable by tracks in other states.
The stewards' ruling followed Guild-sponsored newspaper adsthat underscored the jockeys' soon-to-expire health-insurancecontract with Thoroughbred Racing Associations, a consortium ofracetracks nationwide. The three-year contract will expire Dec. 31.
'The TRA shares the concern of the Jockeys' Guild for disabledjockeys, as do all members of the racing community,' TRAcommissioner Brian McGrath said in a statement issued today. 'Weshould not, however, allow benefits negotiations to distract in anyway from the Breeders' Cup.'
In prohibiting the stickers, the stewards cited a Kentucky ruleon attire that requires a jockey to wear a cap, the owner's stablecolors, a stock tie, white or light 'breeches,' top boots, safetyhelmet, and shoulder number corresponding to the horse's programnumber. No other items or conditions are listed.
If the stewards are adopting such a stringent interpretation ofthe rule, Giovanni said, 'Jockeys should not be wearing goggles;they should not be wearing gloves in the wintertime; they cannotwear turtlenecks; they cannot wear leggings.'
The Guild is scheduled to meet with TRA officials here Sundaymorning to discuss the health-insurance contract and other issues.
Dispute Withdrawn
Dispute was withdrawn from Saturday's $1 million Breeders' CupDistaff this morning because of an abscess in her right front foot,leaving stablemate Heavenly Prize to challenge Sky Beauty, HollywoodWildcat and six other females.
In her last start, Dispute won the Grade I Spinster Stakes atKeeneland to eclipse $1.1 million in career earnings. She's 9-for-19overall. ...
Saturday's weather forecast for Louisville: cloudy, 70 degrees,40 percent chance of a late-afternoon shower.
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