Lawrence Z. Freedman, 85, a pioneering forensic psychiatrist whowrote and studied the causes of violence, particularlyassassinations, terrorism and mass murder, died of a stroke Oct. 6 athis home in Chicago.
Dr. Freedman, a professor emeritus at the University of Chicago,gained attention for his work on insanity and the law, and for hisinvestigations into killers' psychological backgrounds, which he usedto build profiles of would-be presidential assassins for the SecretService. He also helped set a legal standard for insanity which isused as a model for many states' criminal codes.
He graduated with a medical degree from Tufts University in 1944and taught from 1946 to 1960 at Yale University, where he helpedfound Yale's study unit in psychiatry and law, serving as chairmanfor his last seven years there, before moving to Chicago. In theearly 1970s, he and Harold Lasswell formed the Institute of Socialand Behavioral Pathology. A prolific author, he retired from Chicagoin 1985 but maintained a private psychoanalytic practice.
Linda Collins Maurer, 65, a champion golfer and the first memberof the Medic Alert Foundation, which warns medical professionalsabout a person's serious health conditions in cases of emergency,died of breast cancer Oct. 13 at her home in Turlock, Calif.
As a teenager, she proved to be allergic to a tetanus antitoxinscratch test and went into shock. When she recovered, her father, aphysician, suggested that she carry a written warning about herhealth condition. Her parents later designed a silver identificationbracelet inscribed with information about all of her allergies, and acaduceus -- two serpents wrapped around a staff -- the traditionalemblem of the medical profession. The words 'Medic Alert' flanked theemblem in red.
In 1956, they launched from their garage the Medic AlertFoundation, which has grown to include 4 million members worldwideand helps save as many as 4,000 lives a year, according to thefoundation. Ms. Maurer's original identification bracelet is in theSmithsonian Institution. Ms. Maurer graduated from StanfordUniversity with a degree in nursing, worked as a golf pro and twicewon the Ladies Professional Golf Association Senior Teaching DivisionNational Championship.
Thomas Donahue, 83, a planetary scientist who worked on spacemissions including Apollo 17, Apollo-Soyuz, Voyager and Galileo, diedOct. 16 in Ann Arbor, Mich., of complications following heartsurgery.
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1983 and to theInternational Academy of Astronautics in 1986, Dr. Donahue was afellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science. From 1982 to 1988, he chaired theSpace Science Board of the National Research Council of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, where he was a strong advocate for unmannedspace science missions.
Greg Ball, 60, an outdoorsman who gave up a career in banking tocreate a volunteer trail maintenance program, died Oct. 17 ofcomplications from prostate cancer at his Seattle home.
He was a vice president and corporate lender for Seafirst Bank andtraded in his business suit in 1992, joining the Washington TrailsAssociation as its executive director and creating its trailmaintenance program the following year.
In 1993, the trails association donated 250 hours of volunteerwork repairing and rebuilding worn trails. Since then, the programhas grown to 1,800 volunteers who chip in nearly 70,000 hours of worka year.
Chuck Hiller, 70, who hit the National League's first grand slamin the World Series when he was a second baseman for the SanFrancisco Giants, died Oct. 20 at St. Petersburg Beach, Fla. No causeof death was reported, but he had recently undergone brain surgery.
Mr. Hiller worked in the New York Mets organization for the past24 seasons as a major league coach and a minor league manager andadviser. He was the adviser to the minor league director this pastseason.
Mr. Hiller played for four teams in eight seasons in the majorsand batted .243 with 20 home runs and 152 RBIs. His grand slam inGame 4 of the 1962 World Series off New York Yankees pitcher MarshallBridges snapped a seventh-inning tie and helped the Giants to a 7-3victory.
Lewis Urry, 77, who invented the long-lasting alkaline batteriesthat power portable devices, died Oct. 19 at a hospital in MiddleburgHeights, Ohio. No cause of death was reported.
Mr. Urry retired in May from Energizer, the successor to UnionCarbide's National Carbon Co., where he developed the first practicallong-life battery in the 1950s, using powdered zinc as theelectrolyte. An estimated 80 percent of the dry cell batteries in theworld today are based on the work of Mr. Urry, who held 51 patents.
Ken Shimada, 89, a Japanese Canadian baseball player whose careerended when his team was broken up and he was interned during WorldWar II, died Sept. 19 at a long-term care center in Toronto.
His team, the Vancouver Asahi, was made up entirely of JapaneseCanadian players and was known for its speed, defense, bunts andfielding. The entire team, which played from 1914 to 1941, wasinducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 2003.
Mr. Shimada, born in Vancouver, was among 22,000 Canadians ofJapanese ancestry interned during World War II. His family wasstripped of its business, a diner, and barred from returning to theWest Coast after the war. He settled in Toronto and worked with hisfamily at a new coffee shop there.
Frederica de Laguna, an ethnologist, archaeologist and expert onAlaska's native peoples, died of heart disease Oct. 6 at her home inBryn Mawr, Pa., three days after her 98th birthday.
Dr. de Laguna had just finished editing a book on the Eyak Indiansof Prince William Sound and had prepared her epic work on theTlingits of Yakutat, 'Under Mount St. Elias' (1972), for reprinting.
In 1975, she and Margaret Mead were the first women elected to theNational Academy of Sciences. Dr. de Laguna was later its president,and president of the American Anthropological Association. She taughtanthropology at Bryn Mawr College from 1938 to 1975. She wrotescholarly books as well as two mass-market mysteries. A documentaryfilm about her life, 'Reunion Under Mount Saint Elias,' was made in1997.
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